New product available. Stay the nigth at your own island – go fishing.

Do you dream of spending the night on your own island? Now is your chance. 
We have made an offer where you can go on a fishing trip in search of the big fish. We set up a camp in advance so that you can stay there for a night or two and fish for pike, grayling, whitefish and perch. The sizes of the fish in the area are very good and we think you can break some records.

The offer includes boats, a fishing camp with equipment for the tenant and for fishing itself. The area has many smaller lakes nearby and it will be possible to take an ally canoe over to these to fish in slightly more sheltered surroundings. The area is characterized by wilderness and will give you a feeling of freedom and peace.

Read more about the product at: 


Har du noen gang hatt lyst til å sove på din egen øy mens du nyter fiske i naturskjønne omgivelser? 
Med oss i Samipath har du muligheten til dette. Vi setter på forhånd ut en fiskecamp slik og noen båter som du kan bruke om du booker opplevelsen. 
I området finnes det mange store og små innsjøer som har store harr, gjedde, abbor og sik. 
Les mer om tilbudet i linken over.